Saturday, March 21, 2009

Dan Sebenarnya........

25 Rabiul Awal 1430H

Dah lama jugak tak meng update kat cni....bukan takde bahan yg nak dicerita..banyak sebenarnya....cuma peluang nak mengadap laptop ni agak terbatas....

Few weeks ago dah pernah dengar lagu ni kat radio hot FM.....DJ nya kata nya penyanyinya 'YUNA'. I thought she might not be a Malay girl....
The song, I can say very catchy. At that point of time I have no idea who on earth she few days ago...YUNA have been invited to HOT FM station and went on at that time she talk about her b/ground and on how the song became famous.

Jadinya, la ni tgh gila gak la dengar lagu tu...dah siap2 cari kat internet lagi utk download dan bole la copy ke comp kat office buat halua telinga sambil2 buat design......



zuhaidah said...

ade award tuk maksu. hehe :))


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